Friday, August 10, 2018

How to choose a powder according to skin color

Powder seems to be one item that is a must-have women's makeup. Although it does not like to dress up, but they usually keep the powder in their bags. Polishing powder, will make the face look more shiny.

However, one choose the color powder would be fatal to our appearance. Lest you look like wearing a mask, or even look more brown than the original skin color. So, it is advisable to choose the color of the powder according to skin color.

In addition, note also the content of which is used to make the powder. Ensure safe for your skin type, so it does not cause acne and irritation when worn. Avoid powder made from the material are comedogonic or can clog pores - pores of the skin.

Look for powder which has fine particles of soft in order to absorb the excess oil on the face. As the product is introduced in the form of lightening two cake, available in a choice of four colors: light beige, golden beige, natural and sheer pink.

Apply powder in four variants adapted to the skin color explanation below:

1. Yellow skin

Asian women are usually awarded with this skin type. For the fair, you should select powder that approximates the color of the skin. Powder Leight Beige series of very suitable for owners of olive skin.

2. Asia skin
As for the owners of brown skin, you can choose the color of the powder is close to the color of the skin. Can also choose a color slightly darker than the original skin color as Golden Beige series. Avoid bright colors, because the color makes skin look spotted. Tropical tan or beige color will make you look more refreshed, so avoid wearing a mask-like appearance.

3. White skin

Own whites should avoid the use of lighter-colored powder on her skin. Because it will make it increasingly looks pale. Two lightening options Sheer Pink cake series is very safe for this skin type. But the natural series will be much more neutral to wear for those who have white skin.

Research before buying a powder that you get naturally beautiful results possible when makeup. Avoid mistakes in choosing the color of the powder, in order to appear confident and freely indulge without worrying about the makeup worn. We recommend that you read also the beautiful face woman

source : cara memilih bedak warna

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