Wednesday, August 8, 2018

How to care for dry skin

How to care for dry skin - dry skin type is the type of skin that occurs due to oil glands can not produce oil to help keep the skin moist. Dry skin can be caused by genetic factors, age, and also the climate. Climate can affect the lack of oil production and cause skin to become dry. Symptoms shown from dry skin is scaly and flake.

How to cope with dry skin

dry skin

Dry skin is something that is very disturbing, especially if dry skin is on the face. Dry skin certainly does not exude a freshness and looks stiff. Though the freshness of the face can add value appearance becomes more vibrant and can foster self-confidence is higher. Besides that do not exactly care, dry skin on the face can be caused by several things.

Dry skin on the face can be caused because of our skin tends to dry. However, fluid intake is less in the body, dehydration because of disease, and treatments that actually cause dryness of the skin, such as the use of antiseptic soap bath using water that is too hot and too cold, and the ambient temperature is too high and humidity low which is the causes of dry skin on the face.

Therefore, to help how to keep skin soft and moist and fresh then requires several things to consider, for example, is pay attention to adequate fluid intake on a daily basis. Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day will provide the adequacy of intake to help improve the freshness of the skin. You can also treat the face with a natural face mask of the main ingredient fruit fresh fruit.

The bath is by using water that is too hot or too cold can also cause dry skin on the face. You should use a soap that is suitable in accordance with the humidity level of your face. And besides, to make the skin dry, then avoid the direct sunlight and avoid also the rooms were too cold with the air conditioning temperature is high.

To help provide moisture to dry skin, then you should use a moisturizing cream. This moisturizing cream usually works to help draw the water on the surrounding skin and may help to prevent too much evaporation that occurs. And to use a moisturizer should require some attention in the way of basting. In using moisturizer you need to consider how to use it.

How to use the right one is after a bath. After the bath, the skin is still in a state of moisture, so that the moisturizer will work with up to increase humidity. We did a lot of various kinds of moisturizers are sold in the market. The materials used are also diverse, such as lactic acid, glycolic, urea and others with high concentrations.

And if you try in a moisturizer, but you do not get signs of improvement in your skin, you should refrain from the use of moisturizer earlier. Indeed, the use of moisturizers give the impression of a kind of try and error. However, some brands of moisturizer must be suitable for your skin type is dry. Consulted the expert or dermatologist if it's also a variety of moisturizers are not according to skin type.

How To Deal With Dry Skin Naturally


How to cope with dry skin is naturally able to use a moisturizer. The function of this moisturizer is to help moisturize, because it can bind water. And it's better to use a moisturizer that is not shaped creamy lotion.

Olive oil

One way to overcome dry skin naturally is to use olive oil. Olive oil is a natural oil that have properties to moisturize dry skin, and can at the same time to create, refresh and smooth the skin. Olive oil is a good natural moisturizer that can help prevent dryness of the skin and body. Olive oil can also help to remove a layer of skin cells that die.

How To Deal With Dry Skin Naturally using olive oil as a way to overcome dry skin is to prepare just enough olive oil, then mixed with a beaten egg yolk in advance and mixed with a few drops of lemon juice. Then rubbed on the skin, and apply a mask on face and neck do not hit the eye. Let stand for a few minutes to dry, then wash your face with cold water.


How to cope with dry skin naturally using natural ingredients is to use avocado. Prepare ½ avocado, then puree ½ avocado and mixed with hot water, as hot then apply a solution of avocado to your face evenly. Let stand for about 20 minutes, then wash your face with warm water. Do this regularly, and the skin will look more supple and does not look dry anymore. In addition, avocados also will whiten your skin naturally.

source : cara merawat kulit kering

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