Showing posts with label SKIN CARE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SKIN CARE. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Important Key to Maintaining Skin Health

As the largest and outermost organ, the skin is very vulnerable to contamination with dirt / bacteria / other microorganisms. Therefore, maintaining healthy skin is very important. Because, ignoring the slightest skin health disorder can lead to more serious health problems. Impaired skin health can also make you feel insecure. After all, who doesn't want to have healthy skin?

Maintaining Skin Health

Everyone will want it, even though everyone has a different definition of healthy skin. But in general, healthy skin is characterized by a soft and moist skin texture, so that makes you feel comfortable, free to move, and confident. Therefore, here are some tips for maintaining the health of your skin:

Don't smoke: A simple tip for maintaining healthy skin is not to damage it. Smoking is one of the things that can damage the skin because it can make your skin age faster. Smoking can break collagen which can reduce skin elasticity and damage skin cells due to tobacco poison.

The Secret To Look Charming Even though You're Pregnant

Avoid alcohol consumption: Besides smoking, it turns out, drinking alcohol can also damage your skin. Alcohol consumption can dehydrate your body and skin, which makes your skin look tired and old. Here are some of the effects of alcohol on your skin:

#Alcohol can damage the liver, whereas the liver is an organ that plays a role in removing toxins in the body, including alcohol. So that when the organ is damaged, toxins will accumulate in the body because it cannot be disposed of properly. This can be seen from your skin that looks less healthy / dull / acne.
#Either smoking or alcohol consumption reduces collagen production. Collagen plays a role in maintaining the firmness of your skin. Thus, the lack of collagen reserves in the body makes your skin regeneration is not optimal. As a result, fine wrinkles will arise more quickly on your skin.
#Alcohol can dilate blood vessels, which are especially visible in the area around the eyes. As a result, your skin will experience redness or swelling in the eyelid area.
#Certain studies have shown that alcohol can cause hormonal instability that makes oil production increase. As a result, this can trigger acne on the skin.

Maximum protection from direct sunlight

Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can make your skin look tired, dull, and older. Moreover, the more often you sleep less, the higher the risk of blackened eye bags under the eyes.

Consumption of healthy and nutritious foods: Consumption of healthy and nutritious foods can help you maintain healthy skin. The study found that eating healthy and nutritious foods (such as fruits and vegetables) can make your skin look healthier and younger.

How to make a night cream from organic ingredients

Control stress: Stress can stimulate the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, which is the main stress hormone involved in the production of oily fats from the sebaceous glands. The amount of oily fat that is too much is what can close the pores of the skin and trap the bacteria that cause acne in it.

Protect your skin from sun exposure: Protect your skin from the sun to maintain healthy skin, especially when the sun is at its highest intensity which is 10:00 to 16:00. However, if you still need to be active during this time, you are strongly encouraged to:

#Wear protective clothing, such as a long-sleeved shirt / shirt, trousers, or hat.
#Use sunscreen with SPF (Sun Protection Factor) more than 15 by applying it about 20 minutes before you move out.

Tips on how to treat your face with natural ingredients

Wash your face regularly and use a moisturizer: To maintain healthy skin, you must love your skin first. Some ways to love your skin are as follows:

#Routine to cleanse your skin. This is an important part of skin care to get rid of dirt and bacteria. However, do it gently and don't forget to use lukewarm warm water.
#If your skin is dry, use a moisturizer that suits your skin type. For daily use, use a moisturizer that contains SPF to provide protection from sun exposure.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Secret To Look Charming Even though You're Pregnant

During pregnancy, the body undergoes several physical changes such as swollen body weights or skin that may have problems. This might make you lose your confidence, which will eventually affect your appearance. But, you still can, it still looks charming even though you're in a double body.

beautiful while pregnant

Most women may be stressed if they see the needle scale that continues to move towards the right. But in fact, it can not be avoided during pregnancy. Similarly, problems with the skin. Hormonal changes during pregnancy may trigger acne, itching, changes in skin tone, or the formation of stretch marks. Getting Rid of Dandruff Naturally and Permanently

Tips on Healthy and Beautiful Enchanting when Pregnant. Even so, don't always blame the pregnancy so that you consider yourself unattractive. Change the mindset and try to do the tips below so you can go through pregnancy while still emitting an aura of beauty.

Diligent exercise : Pregnancy should not be used as an excuse to be lazy. Let's move your body so you have more energy. Exercise during pregnancy can also make you sleep better and reduce stress. This condition can make your face look fresh and beautiful. You are advised to exercise for at least two and a half hours every week. Sports that are safe for pregnant women include walking, swimming, yoga, pilates, pregnancy exercises and Kegel exercises.

Take advantage of the natural beauty of pregnant women : The effect of pregnancy on physical appearance is not always bad. Pregnant women often look brighter when they have two bodies, because there is an increase in blood flow which gives a glow effect on the skin. Changes in skin color become brighter may also occur to you. Not only the skin, hair also has a positive effect of pregnancy. Hormones that come out during pregnancy can make your hair thicker, radiant, and healthier. If you already have thick hair before pregnancy and are worried that it will be difficult to style it, you may be able to trim it to the right shape.

Wear makeup : The use of makeup is not prohibited during pregnancy. You can still apply makeup and be creative with various colors of lipstick or eye shadow. But with a note, the makeup does not contain substances that are harmful to the fetus, such as mercury, retinoids, and salicylic acid.

Pamper yourself at the spa : Occasionally, take time to me at the spa to relax the body and mind. But, choose a safe spa for pregnant women. Consult your obstetrician before doing body massage, especially the abdomen, or if you intend to do treatments that can raise body temperature such as a sauna.

Trying to look stylish : During pregnancy you can still look fashionable but still be free to move, by wearing the right clothes. Instead of wearing negligee, it is better to choose a baby doll with a beautiful design. Choose a baby doll whose length does not exceed the knee so you don't look short. It is recommended to choose a baby doll with a V collar model to give a longer body line effect. You can also cheat on pregnant women's fashion models in magazines. However, avoid spending excessive budget just for fashion affairs. How to wear and use the correct powder
Beautify yourself from within : Beautify yourself not only from the outside, you should also pay attention to the inside. Consuming enough water can keep your skin moist so that the skin is not dry and dull. Healthy food for pregnant women is also a must for you to consume, such as whole grains, kidney beans, eggs, vegetables, and milk.

Enough sleep : With increasing gestational age, pregnant women will usually experience insomnia. However, you still have to try to get enough sleep, given the many health and beauty benefits that you can get from sleep. Some things you can do to overcome insomnia during pregnancy are sleeping on your side and knees bent, using extra pillows to support the body, or exercising lightly before going to sleep.

Positive thinking : Basically, whatever your physical appearance, beauty and self-confidence will radiate naturally when you have positive thoughts. So, always plant positive sentences in your mind, for example, "Pregnancy is a happy thing, because there is a beloved baby in my womb,"

So, don't assume that you cannot look attractive during pregnancy. Good luck with the various tips above, to still look beautiful while pregnant.

source : tetap cantik saat hamil

Friday, March 1, 2019

Maximum protection from direct sunlight

Want to move outdoors? Don't forget to protect and maintain the softness of your skin. Because exposure to UV light often has an adverse effect on the skin, you know.

Activity in the sun besides making the skin darken, also causes black spots on the skin, the skin becomes dry and cracked and if exposed long enough the skin can be irritated and reddish. For this reason, wearing a sun protection lotion is very important. With protection from high SPF will help the skin to remain soft and protected from UV exposure.
Tips cara perawatan rambut yang benar
Sun exposure does not only have benefits, but there are also dangers that can be caused. For those of you who are often outdoors, it is very important to know the various benefits and dangers of excessive sun exposure to the skin. That way, you know the limits, how to prevent the danger, and also how to overcome them.

Maximum protection from direct sunlight

Benefits of sunlight for the skin

Sunlight not only warms but also benefits your skin's health. Sun exposure in the morning triggers chemical and metabolic reactions in the body to produce vitamin D. This one vitamin is not only good for keeping bones strong but also good for skin health.

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), sun exposure helps overcome various skin problems such as psoriasis, zits, eczema, and fungal infections. How did it happen? This is because vitamin D produced from sun exposure has a range of uses.

Vitamin D has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. So getting enough sun exposure every day can relieve various skin problems such as acne and psoriasis. Sunlight before 9:00 am is especially good for the health of your skin. Simply sunbathe for about 15 minutes every morning to get the benefits.

The danger of exposure to excessive sunlight on the skin

In addition to having benefits, sunlight is also at risk of causing various problems in the skin mainly due to excessive exposure, such as:

1. Skin burns

Excessive sun exposure can cause the skin to experience a condition called sunburn or burning. Usually this condition is caused because you experience direct sunburn for a long time.

The skin will show signs of burning after four to five hours after being exposed to the sun. When you experience sunburn you will usually experience various symptoms such as skin redness, pain, swelling, blistering, and crusting.

2. Bring up signs of aging
Excessive sun exposure usually makes your skin experience various changes from color to texture. Because, over time, UV light can damage the fibers in the skin called elastin. When this fiber is damaged, the skin will relax and stretch.

Not only that, excessive exposure to UV light also causes the skin to experience white spots and also dark. In addition, you will also feel skin that is coarser than normal and also dry. When it's too dry, the skin will easily wrinkle so you will look older than your actual age.

3. Increases the risk of skin cancer
UVB rays in the sun besides causing burns can also damage DNA and suppress the skin's immune system. While UVA rays can penetrate and damage the skin cell membrane and DNA in it.

The damage that has developed over the years coupled with increasing age increases your risk of developing skin cancer such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma.

Tips to prevent and overcome the dangers of sunlight

To prevent the danger of sunlight on your skin, here are various ways that can be done before leaving the house plus how to overcome them if already affected, such as:

1. Using sunscreen
Sunscreen is a mandatory item that you need to use when going out. Especially if you have active outdoor activities every day. Sunscreen helps absorb ultraviolet light that enters the skin so that it can minimize its effects.

In addition, you also need to repeat the usage every two hours especially if you continue to sweat. Not only that, it's good to avoid going out at 10 AM to 3 PM because at this hour ultraviolet light that damages the skin is very strong.

2. Using closed clothing
Try to use a variety of clothes that cover the skin such as pants and long sleeves. You can also wear a hat with a wide edge to help protect the body from the dangers of the sun.

3. Use a special moisturizer or cream

When the skin has experienced various adverse effects from the sun such as burning or signs of aging, you can apply a variety of moisturizers or special creams intended specifically for regenerating the skin. The goal, so that skin damaged by sunlight can recover faster and avoid further damage.

It's good to use cream with Centella asiatica or gotu kola leaves. This one plant has been proven effective to overcome various skin problems and relieve irritation. This plant is also able to improve the outer layer of skin by replacing it with new, healthier skin.

In fact, a study published in the Journal of Aryuveda and Integrative Medicine, states that this plant can increase the production of collagen in the body. That way, aging-related skin problems can be overcome and sagging skin can come back tight and elastic.

thank you to : Perlindungan maksimal dari pancaran langsung sinar matahari

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

How to make a night cream from organic ingredients

Night cream serves to rejuvenate your skin when resting. Night cream is used at night before going to bed. Many night creams are sold on the market. However, if you want to mix your own night cream. In addition to saving on self-care shopping, it's good to make your own face cream instead of buying concoction creams that are sold extensively out there that don't know the ingredients and mixtures

How to make a night cream

To make a night cream, the ingredients needed are ½ teaspoon of bees wax, ½ teaspoon of almond oil, 1 teaspoon of shea butter, 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel, and finally 5 to 10 drops of lemon essential oil. You can get these ingredients easily at cosmetic ingredients stores. The price is also affordable.

The way to mix it is, first, melt bees wax using boiling water. Then let it sit until the temperature returns to normal. Add all the ingredients needed. You may also not add lemon essential oil or you can replace it with other essential oils. Stir the mixture to form a thick cream. Your night cream is ready for use.

Use the cream tonight after the face is clean. Apply to the entire face and neck. Keep this cream in the refrigerator to keep it fresh. This night cream concoction can last up to 2 months in the refrigerator.

This night cream functions as an anti aging, makes the face bright and glowing naturally. It also helps reduce the appearance of black spots, reduce wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin. For how to make night cream from organic ingredients that you can mix yourself at home. Hopefully useful and good luck!
source of inspiration: cara meracik cream wajah sendiri

Friday, August 10, 2018

5 types of skin you should know

In general, skin type can be divided into 5 types and it is important for you to know. By knowing what type of skin you have, it will be easier to determine various ways to be beautiful.

Getting to know your skin type is very important, because after knowing your skin type, it can determine what types of cosmetics that are suitable for your skin. It is thus necessary to learn to recognize their own skin type. Let's begin to learn about a variety of skin types of women.

In general, the skin of the human body can be divided into 5 types of different skin types. Surely every skin type has different characteristics and handling, especially when you are going to do facials. By knowing exactly the type of your skin, it will certainly be easier how to choose a powder that is appropriate and suitable to be applied on the skin.

But before it's good to know the criteria for healthy skin, human skin generally can be said to be healthy, if:

  • Had enough moisture and elastic.
  • Skin look supple and toned.
  • Skin color is bright and luminous.
  • See the skin smooth, soft and clean of all penyakit skin.
  • The skin is not wrinkled.

Well now we are trying to know the different types of human skin.

Normal skin: It has an oil content or often referred to as "sebum" is not excessive and is not drought. So that kind of normal skin is always glowing and bright, just comfortable in view. One example of normal skin is the skin of the toddlers. Try to see his skin must be very pleasing to the eye.

Dry Skin: Dry skin type tends to have sebum or oil tend to be a little, so it looks dry and even flaky. Come learn how to care for dry skin types face the truth.

Oily skin: Almost turned with dry skin. Oily skin is very abundant sebum oil content, so the owner of this skin type tends to have shiny faces because excessive oil content. Oily skin is very easy to get dirty and covered with acne easy. Learn how to care for oily skin types face.

Sensitive skin: This is one type of skin is very difficult to accept any case, requiring the handling is quite serious. Sensitive skin very easily irritated.

Combination skin: Owners combination skin is very difficult to determine cosmetics that matches their skin. because the skin has a combination of two types of skin so it is difficult to apply the type and brand of cosmetics.

Once you know exactly the type of your skin, then it certainly would be easier ways to buy powder that suits your skin. Whatever type of skin you try to perform facial treatments naturally.

Nevertheless do not also forget about your health. Why have a beautiful face that often sick sickly, to maintain a healthy body it early on. See also how to choose a powder according to skin color

source : cara mengenal jenis kulit wajah

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Always use cosmetics without harmful cosmetic ingredients

Dangerous cosmetics has become a reality that is fully justified in general, women want smooth skin, white without stain. Starting from a strong impetus has charm whites plus media ad impressions about cosmetics in general highly in the search for the women, sometimes they are not selective in picking and choosing cosmetic products as long as it can realize the dream of getting whites albeit at exorbitant prices are ignored. We recommend that you also read about how to choose makeup that is safe for the skin

Cosmetics without harmful ingredients

Efforts for facial treatments correctly can be done by first need to know the skin types and characteristics or its properties in order to determine the ways proper care, selecting the appropriate cosmetic, specify colors for makeup and to determine corrective action either in care or in cosmetology.

How to know the type of skin that we will do is quite accurate. Of course knowing the type of skin you have, you can begin to determine the right products and treatments as required by your body skin.

Mercury can be found in soaps, whitening creams and cosmetic products as a preservative, especially for products mascara and eye makeup cleanser. Mercury is very popular in the womb whitening products because of its ability to inhibit the formation of melanin so the skin looks brighter in a short time. Yet behind it, it is very dangerous mercury and should be wary of mercury in cosmetics you. bahan merkuri dalam kosmetik

How to maintain the health of a woman's body has become a key point and it is important for every human being, whether children, adults and the elderly are no exception. Moreover, parents should be able to maintain the stability and health of the body although with a light sports. And also the women with all the activities from waking until bedtime.

Therefore, a woman is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the body to stay healthy and fit. When a woman or even a sick mother, will certainly make it difficult for both himself and his family. Because the woman is the figure of a guard for their children. So maintaining health for women is obligatory.

source : Waspadai Pemutih Kulit Mengandung Merkuri

How to maintain healthy skin woman

Of course, most women always want to look beautiful and charming. Not solely to attract the opposite sex, even this woman's appearance can support the necessary confidence in living everyday life. Appearance does not have to be perfect, but it should be interesting. read also Instructions on how to wear the correct powder

Because the women are dressed to be more readily accepted in the community, such as the work environment. In matters of this appearance, skin plays a very important. Although seem trivial, but the beauty of the skin was the one who actually brought a woman to be looking more beautiful and radiant. The cosmetics shopping at online shop safe.

healthy skin woman

Surely the correct skin care is skin care according to skin type. Moreover, on the skin, it is important to know the type of skin. Now, therefore, check out this article seriously so you really get to know the skin types, which of course can reduce the risk of skin problems with proper care and appropriate.

Pores are actually required to remove the sweat and oil on the surface of the skin. In healthy skin, the skin pores will not be so noticeable. In contrast to the clogged pores that are invisible to the eye can be enlarged. The skin pores Enlarged certainly tends to make people less confident. There are several ways pores that can be tried in order to look more beautiful skin naturally.

Mercury is a heavy metal that enters the body when it becomes toxic. Cosmetics containing mercury are generally found on the face whitening cream. Cosmetics have active ingredients that can make your skin look brighter and more beautiful even exist that can regenerate cells in the skin and infuse vitamins from these cosmetics. Yet not a few cosmetic harmful to the health of the skin, for example, is mercury in cosmetics are mixed by the seller scheming to get more profit.

The face is one of the most important parts of the body that must be maintained and cared for every day. In addition, the face is also a major asset for everyone in terms of appearance, both men and women. So many how to care for the face that is done to get a white face, clean, and free of acne. But that will not be easily achieved, if not accompanied by the intention and proper skin care.

The skin is the body part most important to support the appearance of a person. So important is this one part of the body that makes a lot of people who do everything they can to keep her health. How do I keep the health body skin women. White Water is a natural resource that can provide benefits to the millions of living beings.

source : cara menjaga kesehatan kulit tubuh

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

How to care for dry skin

How to care for dry skin - dry skin type is the type of skin that occurs due to oil glands can not produce oil to help keep the skin moist. Dry skin can be caused by genetic factors, age, and also the climate. Climate can affect the lack of oil production and cause skin to become dry. Symptoms shown from dry skin is scaly and flake.

How to cope with dry skin

dry skin

Dry skin is something that is very disturbing, especially if dry skin is on the face. Dry skin certainly does not exude a freshness and looks stiff. Though the freshness of the face can add value appearance becomes more vibrant and can foster self-confidence is higher. Besides that do not exactly care, dry skin on the face can be caused by several things.

Dry skin on the face can be caused because of our skin tends to dry. However, fluid intake is less in the body, dehydration because of disease, and treatments that actually cause dryness of the skin, such as the use of antiseptic soap bath using water that is too hot and too cold, and the ambient temperature is too high and humidity low which is the causes of dry skin on the face.

Therefore, to help how to keep skin soft and moist and fresh then requires several things to consider, for example, is pay attention to adequate fluid intake on a daily basis. Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day will provide the adequacy of intake to help improve the freshness of the skin. You can also treat the face with a natural face mask of the main ingredient fruit fresh fruit.

The bath is by using water that is too hot or too cold can also cause dry skin on the face. You should use a soap that is suitable in accordance with the humidity level of your face. And besides, to make the skin dry, then avoid the direct sunlight and avoid also the rooms were too cold with the air conditioning temperature is high.

To help provide moisture to dry skin, then you should use a moisturizing cream. This moisturizing cream usually works to help draw the water on the surrounding skin and may help to prevent too much evaporation that occurs. And to use a moisturizer should require some attention in the way of basting. In using moisturizer you need to consider how to use it.

How to use the right one is after a bath. After the bath, the skin is still in a state of moisture, so that the moisturizer will work with up to increase humidity. We did a lot of various kinds of moisturizers are sold in the market. The materials used are also diverse, such as lactic acid, glycolic, urea and others with high concentrations.

And if you try in a moisturizer, but you do not get signs of improvement in your skin, you should refrain from the use of moisturizer earlier. Indeed, the use of moisturizers give the impression of a kind of try and error. However, some brands of moisturizer must be suitable for your skin type is dry. Consulted the expert or dermatologist if it's also a variety of moisturizers are not according to skin type.

How To Deal With Dry Skin Naturally


How to cope with dry skin is naturally able to use a moisturizer. The function of this moisturizer is to help moisturize, because it can bind water. And it's better to use a moisturizer that is not shaped creamy lotion.

Olive oil

One way to overcome dry skin naturally is to use olive oil. Olive oil is a natural oil that have properties to moisturize dry skin, and can at the same time to create, refresh and smooth the skin. Olive oil is a good natural moisturizer that can help prevent dryness of the skin and body. Olive oil can also help to remove a layer of skin cells that die.

How To Deal With Dry Skin Naturally using olive oil as a way to overcome dry skin is to prepare just enough olive oil, then mixed with a beaten egg yolk in advance and mixed with a few drops of lemon juice. Then rubbed on the skin, and apply a mask on face and neck do not hit the eye. Let stand for a few minutes to dry, then wash your face with cold water.


How to cope with dry skin naturally using natural ingredients is to use avocado. Prepare ½ avocado, then puree ½ avocado and mixed with hot water, as hot then apply a solution of avocado to your face evenly. Let stand for about 20 minutes, then wash your face with warm water. Do this regularly, and the skin will look more supple and does not look dry anymore. In addition, avocados also will whiten your skin naturally.

source : cara merawat kulit kering

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Detailed instructions how to whiten your skin

Detailed instructions how to whiten your skin. It must be realized that there is no how to whiten skin is naturally in a short time or quickly. Despite this more natural way recommended by beauty experts considering ways are not side effects for the health of the skin.

Actually there is a quick way to whiten skin by using skin whitening products. The product can be purchased easily at a beauty shop. But if you already know that most skin whitening products using a variety of harmful chemicals such as mercury, zinc oxide, and titanium dioxide.

If you want to whiten the skin by using skin-whitening products certainly you must be smart in choosing the product. Meticulous composition of the product and see if the product has official permission from the authorities. Meanwhile, if you want to have white skin and bright without side effects, you can listen to some how to whiten skin safe naturally that will be discussed this time.

It should be noted that in this way requires a process and time. So you need to be patient and routine in applying it. In addition it is also only valid way to whiten dark skin due to environmental factors, not because of genetic or hereditary factors.

beautiful female face

Before discussing further any how to whiten skin naturally I need to explain first that every part of our body skin has different qualities, whether it's sensitive skin or not. For each part of the body has different ways. For example, how to whiten skin on the hands will be different from the way whiten skin. See also how to choose makeup

Then how to whiten the skin using natural ingredients? Immediately following tips along the way. For more friends at home can also read an article about how to whiten the skin of the hands and feet that are more specific and already we reviewed in the previous article.

How to Whiten Skin:
1. Using Milk
Use condensed milk and not milk powder. You live applying a few drops of white milk directly to the face. After the whole face make with milk, let stand for 15-20 minutes and finally rinse with warm water. Apply this way at night when you go to sleep.

2. Air tea, rice flour, and honey
The ingredients namely 100 ml of tea water, 2 tablespoons rice flour, and 1/2 tablespoon of honey. Combine these three natural ingredients, stirring until blended. After that maskerkan on the skin, leave on for 20 minutes or until dry. After that just wash your face with a special sponge for the face. Try applying this way 1-2 times a week.

How to Whiten Skin Hands and Feet:
1. With a body lotion and carrots
First grated 2 carrots first, then add 25 ml body lotion or taste. Once well blended and then apply on the skin of the hands and feet. Let stand for 30 minutes then wash with water. You can apply this way after a bath, apply also on a regular basis.

2. Olive oil and rice
Before mixing the two natural materials, first puree rice with crushed and blended way. If it is a new refined mix with olive oil to taste. After that lulurkan mixture of natural ingredients to the skin of your hands and feet. Let stand for 30 minutes to rinse with water. Apply after bathing in this way and try to apply it on a regular basis.
How to Whiten Underarm Skin:
Yoghurt and milk
2 tablespoons yogurt mixed with milk was quite effective for skin whitening underarm. You can apply the mixture on your armpit after taking a bath. Once applied let stand for 30 minutes or until dry, rinse thoroughly lived.

With lemon
After your bath, rub lemon wedges in the armpit. Rub for 10 minutes then rinse with warm water until clean.

How to Whiten Skin Crotch:
Water alum
You can buy alum in some stores, such as chemical store, pharmacy, or supermarket. Alum is not liquid but rather shaped crystal stones. How to use the alum is by soaking in warm water until dissolved. Afterwards, apply on your groin, use a soft towel when applied it.

Lime and Lime betel
This mixture of natural ingredients can whiten the skin of your groin. You simply applying a mixture of lime and whiting in the groin after every shower.

How to Whiten Skin Elbow and Knee:
Sugar Scrub
How to use it is by dissolving sugar in water first. After that just rub on your elbows and knees.

Lemon Juice
You can apply lemon juice on the elbows and knees using cotton. Let stand for 15-30 minutes and do three times a day.

Please select one of the ways the body naturally whiten skin above. Given the above manner using only natural ingredients, so you need to apply them on a regular basis so that results can be maximized. A few beauty tips this time, waiting for the other tips in this blog just yes. In addition to helping your skin stay healthy so you can also use a natural mask.

source : cara merawat kulit tubuh

Friday, August 3, 2018

What do you know about body skin

What do you know about body skin. Regardless of color, skin is part of the body is very important and should be treated. The skin is the outermost part of the body that is flexible and soft. The skin protects the internal organs of the body from external elements such as ultraviolet rays from the sun, temperature, chemicals, dust and other harmful elements. Even of harmful cosmetic ingredients you use.

Besides biscuits also serves to hold water, preventing infection and produce essential proteins and vitamins. The skin is the organ of the human body are constantly evolving and always changing all human life. In fact, according to the study, about 40,000 humans shed skin cells per minute.

The human skin consists of three layers. The outermost layer is commonly seen by our eyes commonly called the epidermis or outer layer. Then below it is the middle layer or dermis. The innermost layer is commonly called the hypodermis or subcutaneous fat layer.

Each layer has different tasks and functions between the layers one with the other layers. The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin, often sekai exposed to ultraviolet light from the sun and other harmful substances. The function of the epidermis is to provide pigments and produce new skin cells as replacement cells that have died.

The dermis, or middle layer is a layer that contains a touch and pain receptors such as blood vessels, hair folike, collagen and elastin. Terdaam skin layer or hypodermis composed of fat and collagen that absorbs shock and protects the internal organs.

Many Asian people who crave white like people abroad. That did not happen because maybe Indonesia stereo type people who thought that the white and the light was beautiful, handsome, more manicured and so on.

Though no studies have shown that people with dark skin more resistant to sunlight and have a lower risk of skin cancer will strike. So proud in any color of your skin.

Regardless of any color as well as skin types you, any skin can experience red spots rough, dry, wrinkled and damaged. Thus the protection and care of the skin is very important for all colors and skin types.

body skin

Cleaning the skin using cleaners available on the market was be one way to treat the skin, because the skin clean is very closely related to the health of the skin. But do not choose the wrong product, because other people are also the type of skin and the products are suitable for others is not necessarily suitable for your use. Here,

source : cara memutihkan kulit tubuh

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Let's learn to maintain healthy skin to make it more beautiful

Focusing on facial skin care often makes women forget to take care of the health of their skin so that the leather woman's body is not as beautiful and healthier than facial skin. How to whiten skin naturally and quickly is not only dependent on the use of natural materials and a variety of cosmetic products, you also have to seek change from within the body, by the habit of eating healthy foods and avoid bad habits that adversely affect skin beauty body. See also how to choose makeup correct

But not only keep the body skin softness, but also other parts of the body, as well as maintain healthy hair, so that with proper care it can prevent the hair loss. Besides, it also seeks to prevent dandruff that makes your hair becomes damaged, then how to remove dandruff correct. tampil cantik saat hamil

maintain healthy skin

Indeed, the body's skin also requires care as much as the treatment of facial skin, because the skin of the body are also prone to skin diseases, seem more dull and unattractive. Before talking about the dull skin and how to whiten skin naturally and quickly, check out some of the factors that cause the skin becomes dull and damaged below:
  • Too frequent bathing with hot water was not good for the health of the skin and making the skin dry and damaged
  • Too long in the temperature of the hot and too humid can eliminate the natural skin moisture
  • A lifestyle that could be considered far from healthy, such as smoking, lack of fruit and vegetable consumption, lack of sleep and lack of drinking water.
  • Air pollution and dust which can clog the pores of the skin so that it can increase the bacteria on the skin that will make the skin breakouts, causing black spots and looks dull.
How to whiten skin naturally and traditional with some plants will reduce the negative effects caused by all of the above factors can also help skin become brighter and it looks interesting. Here are some natural ingredients that can brighten your skin:


Usually lime is used to make the food tasted fresh and delicious, but it turns out lemon can make the skin becomes whiter and softer. To take advantage of lime as a natural ingredient bleach the skin, the way simply by applying lemon juice mixed with a little egg white on the entire surface of the skin and to make the skin become more white.

You just need to set up some limes, cut a lemon in half and rub the lemon slices on the skin. Lemon juice will help whiten your skin is dull at the same time keep the humidity.


Avocado contains abundant vitamins, starting from vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E, iron, potassium, as well as protein which can help whiten skin naturally and traditional. Prepare two avocado fresh and clean water.

Avocado puree with clean water until avocado is smooth. Apply a paste of avocado on the surface of the skin and the skin of your body and allow 15 minutes for the natural properties of the fruit is pervasive to the maximum and then cleaned. Do this routine before you cleanse the body.
How to Whiten Skin Naturally and Fast For Women

How to whiten skin naturally and quickly for women is not hard to do, you can do it at home at any time, with a record of natural ingredients that you will use is available and guaranteed quality is really good. In addition to using natural ingredients for skin health care body, do not forget to always use sunscreen before you travel. Be sure to always select beauty products are safe and free from harmful substances.

source : Raih kesehatan tubuh dengan SPA air hangat