Activity in the sun besides making the skin darken, also causes black spots on the skin, the skin becomes dry and cracked and if exposed long enough the skin can be irritated and reddish. For this reason, wearing a sun protection lotion is very important. With protection from high SPF will help the skin to remain soft and protected from UV exposure.
Tips cara perawatan rambut yang benarSun exposure does not only have benefits, but there are also dangers that can be caused. For those of you who are often outdoors, it is very important to know the various benefits and dangers of excessive sun exposure to the skin. That way, you know the limits, how to prevent the danger, and also how to overcome them.
Benefits of sunlight for the skin
Sunlight not only warms but also benefits your skin's health. Sun exposure in the morning triggers chemical and metabolic reactions in the body to produce vitamin D. This one vitamin is not only good for keeping bones strong but also good for skin health.According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), sun exposure helps overcome various skin problems such as psoriasis, zits, eczema, and fungal infections. How did it happen? This is because vitamin D produced from sun exposure has a range of uses.
Vitamin D has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. So getting enough sun exposure every day can relieve various skin problems such as acne and psoriasis. Sunlight before 9:00 am is especially good for the health of your skin. Simply sunbathe for about 15 minutes every morning to get the benefits.
The danger of exposure to excessive sunlight on the skin
In addition to having benefits, sunlight is also at risk of causing various problems in the skin mainly due to excessive exposure, such as:1. Skin burns
Excessive sun exposure can cause the skin to experience a condition called sunburn or burning. Usually this condition is caused because you experience direct sunburn for a long time.
The skin will show signs of burning after four to five hours after being exposed to the sun. When you experience sunburn you will usually experience various symptoms such as skin redness, pain, swelling, blistering, and crusting.
2. Bring up signs of aging
Excessive sun exposure usually makes your skin experience various changes from color to texture. Because, over time, UV light can damage the fibers in the skin called elastin. When this fiber is damaged, the skin will relax and stretch.
Not only that, excessive exposure to UV light also causes the skin to experience white spots and also dark. In addition, you will also feel skin that is coarser than normal and also dry. When it's too dry, the skin will easily wrinkle so you will look older than your actual age.
3. Increases the risk of skin cancer
UVB rays in the sun besides causing burns can also damage DNA and suppress the skin's immune system. While UVA rays can penetrate and damage the skin cell membrane and DNA in it.
The damage that has developed over the years coupled with increasing age increases your risk of developing skin cancer such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma.
Tips to prevent and overcome the dangers of sunlight
To prevent the danger of sunlight on your skin, here are various ways that can be done before leaving the house plus how to overcome them if already affected, such as:1. Using sunscreen
Sunscreen is a mandatory item that you need to use when going out. Especially if you have active outdoor activities every day. Sunscreen helps absorb ultraviolet light that enters the skin so that it can minimize its effects.
In addition, you also need to repeat the usage every two hours especially if you continue to sweat. Not only that, it's good to avoid going out at 10 AM to 3 PM because at this hour ultraviolet light that damages the skin is very strong.
2. Using closed clothing
Try to use a variety of clothes that cover the skin such as pants and long sleeves. You can also wear a hat with a wide edge to help protect the body from the dangers of the sun.
3. Use a special moisturizer or cream
When the skin has experienced various adverse effects from the sun such as burning or signs of aging, you can apply a variety of moisturizers or special creams intended specifically for regenerating the skin. The goal, so that skin damaged by sunlight can recover faster and avoid further damage.
It's good to use cream with Centella asiatica or gotu kola leaves. This one plant has been proven effective to overcome various skin problems and relieve irritation. This plant is also able to improve the outer layer of skin by replacing it with new, healthier skin.
In fact, a study published in the Journal of Aryuveda and Integrative Medicine, states that this plant can increase the production of collagen in the body. That way, aging-related skin problems can be overcome and sagging skin can come back tight and elastic.
thank you to : Perlindungan maksimal dari pancaran langsung sinar matahari
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