Friday, August 10, 2018

The easy way to treat the face naturally

How do I care for and maintain the skin, to avoid pimples and black spots in the manner and natural materials, which materials and natural way requires no side effects. Choose a clean face and bright is the dream of all people, especially women, who want to look more beautiful. This skin type has several kinds of properties, there are oily, some are dry and there is normal.

If you have an oily, you should be more active to maintain and care for her, because this type of skin easily bring acne. How do I get rid of acneIn addition to the natural skin care that is easy to do, there is also a facial treatment that can be done place of beauty, but this method requires no small cost.

Here are quick tips on how to care for the face naturally correct:

Gentle massage on the skin

Try to regularly massage your face gently before bed at night, so the next morning face looks slightly more fresh. Do it this way routinely and regularly, in order to have a clean face and blushing as desired. And in this way is very safe and easy for anyone, who wants to treat the face without thinking about the cost of expensive and side effects.

Always clean your hands before touching the face

Make sure you clean your hands before touching the skin. The palm of your hands is very easy to get dirty, even unknowingly. Therefore, always wash your hands before touching your skin. See how to choose makeup that is safe

Note the intake of vitamin E

How to care the face naturally by drinking vitamin E. This method is a way of taking care of the body. have a clean face, bright, flushed, and avoid acne and black spots. Take vitamin E regularly to face that you have realized quickly. How to choose a scrub whitening product to the correct face

Diligent in drinking water

How to care the face naturally by drinking enough water. should drink water that is good and right, for a day is 8 glasses. This method is very easy to do by anyone, without side effects and costs. In addition, water is also good for health problems, which is to strengthen the muscles or joints joint, it can kill germs or bakeries that exist within the body, and can cure a number of illnesses.

Apply a natural face mask

How natural skin care is to use a natural face mask. One with a yam. Usually wearing face masks is done at night before bedtime, so that the next morning the face look more clean and bright. Do it this way routinely and regularly, so that his face looks so clean dn luminous. Even this way is very easy to do by anyone without side effects and costs.

Applying lotion face before leaving the house

How natural skin care is by using facial lotion as protection from the sun, so as not to dull black checkers. Apply this lotion according to the type face you, to avoid irritation. Put this way, if you want to move outside the home. And in this way is very safe and easy to use by anyone without the cost of expensive.

Make it a habit to wash your face

How natural skin care is to wash your face after activities. Do this as best as possible, so that the face can appear brighter and does not cause acne and black spots. This method is very secure, easy, and at no cost at all. Learn how to make natural facial whitening cream.

Cleaning the face regularly

How natural skin care is to perform facial cleansing according to skin type. Generally, skin type, there are several kinds, some have dry skin, oily skin and normal skin. Therefore, you should know what kind of face you like, so that in choosing a soap or moisturizer, can be easily and fit that will not cause irritation. How does the how to buy the powder is right

Diligent exercise

How to skin care naturally is by exercising regularly and orderly. Sports that can be done is the kind of sports such as running and brisk walking. Later this sport also has another function, namely to address and cure various diseases, one of which can prevent heart disease.

So how to treat facial skin naturally, if you do regularly then your beauty will be growing. See also
beautiful face a yearning woman,

source : cara merawat kulit wajah

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