How the hell is the correct way of using talcum powder. Apply or use the powder is actually very easy to do. Almost all women can apply powder. But the fault lies precisely in how to choose the brand powder. Many women do not realize that the powder brand they use would damage their facial skin. jenis kulit wajah
When applying powder requires tips and tricks on how to wear the powder in sequence, so that the powder you use to function optimally. In general, the powder function is to close the skin pores, so that after using the powder, then your face will appear smooth and no wrinkles due to age. That is why choosing color powder becomes very important, because if one chose the color powder can create the look of facial skin and other skin looks discolored.
But there is another important thing to remember though powder can enhance the look of your face, but on the other hand turns the powder can aggravate your face. Well how come? Remember powder has primary responsibility to close skin pores and on the other side of the skin pores also require fresh air circulation, so that if the pores of your skin covered by cosmetics in the long term would be a boomerang. Thus when you are finished with the daily activities as soon as possible to clean the skin you.
The following tips on how to wear powder can help you eliminate wrinkles and facial skin covering the pores of your skin:
1. Clean your skin from all impurities including dust fine dust that sticks. When cleaning your skin can use special facial cleansing milk and then wash with soap face. Do not forget the final rinse with clean water several times.
2. If the skin type you include dry skin, then you can help moisturize the skin with a moisturizer. However be advised when to use a moisturizer thin thin. Do not apply excessive moisturizer because it can damage your display.
3. Furthermore, protect your face with sunscreen. You can use a sunblock with an SPF number 17 which is designed for tropical areas like Indonesia.
4. Apply a foundation that is useful to give the impression to see the same on all your faces. The Foundation also serves as a cover skin pores. So you have the whole face of the same color and not striped striped.
5. Lastly apply the powder evenly on the entire face up to the neck. It is advisable to use a facial sponge. To give perfect results then use the powder in thin thin. When you take the powder should stick to the compact sponge gently.
6. Check to see your face up to the neck, if there are parts that do not mean you should repeat once again. For perfect results take sponge and pat pat a few times then apply it to your entire face. In this way the thickness of the powder will be uneven.
When selecting a foundation or powder brand is advisable to adjust to your skin type. For oily skin should use powder. But if your skin including dry skin should choose a solid powder. How to wear powder which was so flat and durable
Do not use cosmetics brand carelessly. Make sure you buy cosmetics brand original. Today many brands of fake cosmetics sold freely, so you must remain vigilant. Even if you have been using branded powder, but not by a skin care is certainly not going to get a perfect result.
Beauty is indeed expensive, so if you have to choose from the use of fake cosmetics brand better not to use cosmetics at all. It was better because counterfeit cosmetic brand face and it will damage your display. And of course it will spend substantial funds to cure your facial damage.
Perfection of the body has become an important issue for a woman, as well as your health. Then maintaining a healthy body by means of healthy lifestyle is another thing that you should not miss.
source : cara memilih bedak sesuai warna kulit
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