Friday, August 10, 2018

The easy way to treat the face naturally

How do I care for and maintain the skin, to avoid pimples and black spots in the manner and natural materials, which materials and natural way requires no side effects. Choose a clean face and bright is the dream of all people, especially women, who want to look more beautiful. This skin type has several kinds of properties, there are oily, some are dry and there is normal.

If you have an oily, you should be more active to maintain and care for her, because this type of skin easily bring acne. How do I get rid of acneIn addition to the natural skin care that is easy to do, there is also a facial treatment that can be done place of beauty, but this method requires no small cost.

Here are quick tips on how to care for the face naturally correct:

Gentle massage on the skin

Try to regularly massage your face gently before bed at night, so the next morning face looks slightly more fresh. Do it this way routinely and regularly, in order to have a clean face and blushing as desired. And in this way is very safe and easy for anyone, who wants to treat the face without thinking about the cost of expensive and side effects.

Always clean your hands before touching the face

Make sure you clean your hands before touching the skin. The palm of your hands is very easy to get dirty, even unknowingly. Therefore, always wash your hands before touching your skin. See how to choose makeup that is safe

Note the intake of vitamin E

How to care the face naturally by drinking vitamin E. This method is a way of taking care of the body. have a clean face, bright, flushed, and avoid acne and black spots. Take vitamin E regularly to face that you have realized quickly. How to choose a scrub whitening product to the correct face

Diligent in drinking water

How to care the face naturally by drinking enough water. should drink water that is good and right, for a day is 8 glasses. This method is very easy to do by anyone, without side effects and costs. In addition, water is also good for health problems, which is to strengthen the muscles or joints joint, it can kill germs or bakeries that exist within the body, and can cure a number of illnesses.

Apply a natural face mask

How natural skin care is to use a natural face mask. One with a yam. Usually wearing face masks is done at night before bedtime, so that the next morning the face look more clean and bright. Do it this way routinely and regularly, so that his face looks so clean dn luminous. Even this way is very easy to do by anyone without side effects and costs.

Applying lotion face before leaving the house

How natural skin care is by using facial lotion as protection from the sun, so as not to dull black checkers. Apply this lotion according to the type face you, to avoid irritation. Put this way, if you want to move outside the home. And in this way is very safe and easy to use by anyone without the cost of expensive.

Make it a habit to wash your face

How natural skin care is to wash your face after activities. Do this as best as possible, so that the face can appear brighter and does not cause acne and black spots. This method is very secure, easy, and at no cost at all. Learn how to make natural facial whitening cream.

Cleaning the face regularly

How natural skin care is to perform facial cleansing according to skin type. Generally, skin type, there are several kinds, some have dry skin, oily skin and normal skin. Therefore, you should know what kind of face you like, so that in choosing a soap or moisturizer, can be easily and fit that will not cause irritation. How does the how to buy the powder is right

Diligent exercise

How to skin care naturally is by exercising regularly and orderly. Sports that can be done is the kind of sports such as running and brisk walking. Later this sport also has another function, namely to address and cure various diseases, one of which can prevent heart disease.

So how to treat facial skin naturally, if you do regularly then your beauty will be growing. See also
beautiful face a yearning woman,

source : cara merawat kulit wajah

Vigilant damaged facial whitening cream

Today quite a lot of beauty products especially for skin whitening, skin both body and facial skin. However, the most in demand today is the face whitening cream. Due to the circumstances of this that many emerging face whitening cream products, both branded and without false alias brands.

Having a clean white face skin naturally becomes the primary goal many women. But it was much wrong in using whitening cream face, causing the skin to be damaged. Bleach concoction face of a dermatologist certainly more results than you buy face whitening cream lightly.

However, it seems many among the women who buy face cream bleach them arbitrarily even more likely that the price is cheap. When in fact have to go through a fairly rigorous selection when you are going to buy the beauty products. Just so you know, that most skin whitening cream products contain ingredients which is quite dangerous for the health of your skin.

Sure, the effects are not immediately apparent, but it is very dangerous, because you realized after long usage. Thus you need tips on how to choose a cream bleach is true, so it will be free from the negative effects of cosmetics you use.

It is important to note that most of the good skin whitening cream for face and body skin contains many harmful substances such as mercury and its derivatives. You can be sure that at the beginning of the use of mercury substances can help whiten your skin, but after the use of continuous buildup will occur under the skin, and this is the danger, because your skin will burn and will most likely be an infection under the skin tissue.

Why buy a face cream bleach if you can actually create your own. Nature has provided what you need. By making it yourself, then certainly you will know exactly what ingredients are used, so it will be safe and do not cause side effects. Lemon, cucumber, honey, and others are often used to make natural face mask that is useful to beautify the face.

How to make a face mask itself is actually quite easy and of course free to choose materials useful option to realize your wishes. For it would be nice if you make a face whitening cream with natural ingredients that have been provided by nature, so it is free of side effects is very detrimental.

Many know the type of fruits that can be made for a natural face mask. At least 10 kinds of fruit that can deliver maximum results and is widely used today. So you can make a mask skin whitening naturally themselves.

Are you a busy career woman, so it does not quite have the time to make your own face mask bleach. For the most secure and convenient step of course went to a dermatologist your subscription, so this is certainly better than you buy facial bleach products at random. Compounded prescription from a dermatologist for facial bleach certainly better because it had previously conducted in-depth examination.

source : krim pemutih wajah

How to choose a powder according to skin color

Powder seems to be one item that is a must-have women's makeup. Although it does not like to dress up, but they usually keep the powder in their bags. Polishing powder, will make the face look more shiny.

However, one choose the color powder would be fatal to our appearance. Lest you look like wearing a mask, or even look more brown than the original skin color. So, it is advisable to choose the color of the powder according to skin color.

In addition, note also the content of which is used to make the powder. Ensure safe for your skin type, so it does not cause acne and irritation when worn. Avoid powder made from the material are comedogonic or can clog pores - pores of the skin.

Look for powder which has fine particles of soft in order to absorb the excess oil on the face. As the product is introduced in the form of lightening two cake, available in a choice of four colors: light beige, golden beige, natural and sheer pink.

Apply powder in four variants adapted to the skin color explanation below:

1. Yellow skin

Asian women are usually awarded with this skin type. For the fair, you should select powder that approximates the color of the skin. Powder Leight Beige series of very suitable for owners of olive skin.

2. Asia skin
As for the owners of brown skin, you can choose the color of the powder is close to the color of the skin. Can also choose a color slightly darker than the original skin color as Golden Beige series. Avoid bright colors, because the color makes skin look spotted. Tropical tan or beige color will make you look more refreshed, so avoid wearing a mask-like appearance.

3. White skin

Own whites should avoid the use of lighter-colored powder on her skin. Because it will make it increasingly looks pale. Two lightening options Sheer Pink cake series is very safe for this skin type. But the natural series will be much more neutral to wear for those who have white skin.

Research before buying a powder that you get naturally beautiful results possible when makeup. Avoid mistakes in choosing the color of the powder, in order to appear confident and freely indulge without worrying about the makeup worn. We recommend that you read also the beautiful face woman

source : cara memilih bedak warna

5 types of skin you should know

In general, skin type can be divided into 5 types and it is important for you to know. By knowing what type of skin you have, it will be easier to determine various ways to be beautiful.

Getting to know your skin type is very important, because after knowing your skin type, it can determine what types of cosmetics that are suitable for your skin. It is thus necessary to learn to recognize their own skin type. Let's begin to learn about a variety of skin types of women.

In general, the skin of the human body can be divided into 5 types of different skin types. Surely every skin type has different characteristics and handling, especially when you are going to do facials. By knowing exactly the type of your skin, it will certainly be easier how to choose a powder that is appropriate and suitable to be applied on the skin.

But before it's good to know the criteria for healthy skin, human skin generally can be said to be healthy, if:

  • Had enough moisture and elastic.
  • Skin look supple and toned.
  • Skin color is bright and luminous.
  • See the skin smooth, soft and clean of all penyakit skin.
  • The skin is not wrinkled.

Well now we are trying to know the different types of human skin.

Normal skin: It has an oil content or often referred to as "sebum" is not excessive and is not drought. So that kind of normal skin is always glowing and bright, just comfortable in view. One example of normal skin is the skin of the toddlers. Try to see his skin must be very pleasing to the eye.

Dry Skin: Dry skin type tends to have sebum or oil tend to be a little, so it looks dry and even flaky. Come learn how to care for dry skin types face the truth.

Oily skin: Almost turned with dry skin. Oily skin is very abundant sebum oil content, so the owner of this skin type tends to have shiny faces because excessive oil content. Oily skin is very easy to get dirty and covered with acne easy. Learn how to care for oily skin types face.

Sensitive skin: This is one type of skin is very difficult to accept any case, requiring the handling is quite serious. Sensitive skin very easily irritated.

Combination skin: Owners combination skin is very difficult to determine cosmetics that matches their skin. because the skin has a combination of two types of skin so it is difficult to apply the type and brand of cosmetics.

Once you know exactly the type of your skin, then it certainly would be easier ways to buy powder that suits your skin. Whatever type of skin you try to perform facial treatments naturally.

Nevertheless do not also forget about your health. Why have a beautiful face that often sick sickly, to maintain a healthy body it early on. See also how to choose a powder according to skin color

source : cara mengenal jenis kulit wajah

Tips shopping cosmetics in the online shop

In this modern era, almost all activities in the department make it easy. One convenience that among them are cosmetic shopping online, or better known as the online shop. Shopping online can be said that a lifestyle (lifestyle) new.

online shop

Especially in the middle of dense flurry of you, of course, shopping online is very helpful to you and more practical. Because you no longer need to experience congestion on the highway, do not need to bother and tired when searching and tracking of beauty products or cosmetics that you want to buy.

Nowadays shopping online or online shopping has not strange activities to do, from buying mobile phones, clothes, to buy furniture can buy via online. Perhaps this is because it is driven by technological developments and trends as well as the internet mobile wider network.

In addition, increase the living standard of the average in the country that is also a factor and encouraged increased online shopping culture. In addition to easy and does not take much time, online shopping can also be done anywhere. Not only that, it turns out the diversity of products offered for sale online are taking part in popularizing online shopping habits.

If you make a purchase cosmetics online, take a good look website. Basic things that you need to pay attention to the consideration is as follows:
  • Make sure you visit the website of cosmetic products with the detail of your choice. You can check this in the column about us or about us. Why is this important? the goal is to avoid the sale of counterfeit products or models other fraud.
  • Do not just buy with the click of a shopping cart or other similar words before you are sure that the cosmetic products are in accordance with the goals and desires.
  • You can select and view in detail all the products they offer. Look at the product detail is meticulous. This is important because once you make a purchase then the goods will be directly sent.
  • Do not hesitate to ask everything about the product of your choice, ranging from the method of payment, delivery method, by purchase, and others to ensure that the products they offer is genuine or original.
  • Website sellers of cosmetic products is well managed typically provide a link (on line) for a debriefing on the consumer. Be it via chat or email, and also has a live telephone address
  • We recommend that you avoid buying goods through online media on sites of dubious and less well-managed. For sites with big names you will respond to all complaints.
  • Once you are sure of what you have achieved so far, the next step is up to you, because you can directly deal or canceled.
Similarly, some guides and tips online shopping cosmetics, hopefully to give a discourse to you about some tips to shop cosmetics online.

source : cara membeli kosmetik

How to get rid of dandruff naturally

Dandruff is synonymous with dirty hair and itchy, then how to prevent dandruff . In fact many ways to get rid of dandruff, one of them with lemon juice which we will discuss today. Although dandruff is embarrassing, the good news is that this problem is completely harmless. There is no drug or pharmaceutical solution needed to get rid of dandruff, but there are many ways to get rid of dandruff with natural remedies that can be found in your own home.

Orange juice has benefits for your skin health and including the scalp. Vitamin C contained in lime juice proved to be extremely effectual to use eradicate stubborn dandruff on the scalp. Actually, natural way to eliminate dandruff with lemon is not new anymore because it has long been known usefulness. Dandruff is characterized by small white flakes that fall from the scalp. While with small amounts it's normal, because dead skin cells flake off your scalp. Many people experience severe exfoliation, so they try to cover it up in various ways. Exfoliation of the scalp is often accompanied by a scalp that is itchy, reddish, and irritated.

beautiful hair

How to easily get rid of dandruff. The trick is simple enough that just need to take one to two limes. Furthermore squeezed orange juice and water grab from orange.

The results of this in the lime juice apply to all parts of the scalp until blended. Do this on a regular basis at least 3 times a week. Afterwards we had to clean the hair that has been covered with the lemon until it is clean.

However, you also have to maintain a healthy body with your other, for example, how to treat the face in order to stay beautiful and energetic. With the correct skin care course, your skin will increase shine.

In buying cosmetic products mainly to bleach facial, then make sure the product you use is free of mercury. Because mercury substances can be destructive to your skin. Wary of the material mercury in cosmetics you.

source : cara menghilangkan ketombe

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Always use cosmetics without harmful cosmetic ingredients

Dangerous cosmetics has become a reality that is fully justified in general, women want smooth skin, white without stain. Starting from a strong impetus has charm whites plus media ad impressions about cosmetics in general highly in the search for the women, sometimes they are not selective in picking and choosing cosmetic products as long as it can realize the dream of getting whites albeit at exorbitant prices are ignored. We recommend that you also read about how to choose makeup that is safe for the skin

Cosmetics without harmful ingredients

Efforts for facial treatments correctly can be done by first need to know the skin types and characteristics or its properties in order to determine the ways proper care, selecting the appropriate cosmetic, specify colors for makeup and to determine corrective action either in care or in cosmetology.

How to know the type of skin that we will do is quite accurate. Of course knowing the type of skin you have, you can begin to determine the right products and treatments as required by your body skin.

Mercury can be found in soaps, whitening creams and cosmetic products as a preservative, especially for products mascara and eye makeup cleanser. Mercury is very popular in the womb whitening products because of its ability to inhibit the formation of melanin so the skin looks brighter in a short time. Yet behind it, it is very dangerous mercury and should be wary of mercury in cosmetics you. bahan merkuri dalam kosmetik

How to maintain the health of a woman's body has become a key point and it is important for every human being, whether children, adults and the elderly are no exception. Moreover, parents should be able to maintain the stability and health of the body although with a light sports. And also the women with all the activities from waking until bedtime.

Therefore, a woman is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the body to stay healthy and fit. When a woman or even a sick mother, will certainly make it difficult for both himself and his family. Because the woman is the figure of a guard for their children. So maintaining health for women is obligatory.

source : Waspadai Pemutih Kulit Mengandung Merkuri